HENRIK PALMGREN, was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He is also the co-host of Red Ice Live, including “Weekend Warrior,” a live TV show for members. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage and culture and counter acting the globalists seeking to destroy it.

“the secret space program, what is it, who is behind it and why? Is there a human civilization living off-world with highly advanced technology and knowledge about the existence of aliens? Why are we being kept in the dark?.”

“Henrik Palmgren”

“If you dont require you dont find out.”

“Henrik Palmgren”

“If we ask the right questions and put the pieces together we get closer to an answer what is going on between the private space industry and the vast amounts of money that spend on research and development into new technologies.”

“Henrik Palmgren”